Monday, October 29, 2007


Walaupun Menteri Belia dan Sukan yang juga Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said masih mengunci mulut terutamanya berkaitan cadangan Ketua Bahagian UMNO Cheras, Senator Datuk Wira Syed Ali Al- Habshee yang ingin mencalonkan beliau untuk bertading bagi merebut jawatan Ketua Wanita UMNO pada pemilihan akan datang mendapat reaksi yang memberangsang dari banyak pihak.

Walaupun, dalam masa dua hari sahaja berita tersebut telah mendapat liputan meluas dari pihak media, namun sudah ada cakap-cakap dikalangan Ahli UMNO peringkat `grass root’ yang menyatakan bahawa ahli Parlimen Pengerang ini sudah mendapat sokongan daripada 30 bahagian UMNO.

Andai apa yang bermain dibibir dikalangan ahli UMNO pelbagai peringkat ketika ini ada kebenarannya, ini bermakna Azalina merupakan seorang calon yang boleh dianggap kuat dan tidak mustahil beliau mampu memberikan saingan sengit kepada penyandang Ketua Wanita UMNO, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz.

Azalina yang sebelum ini menyatakan masih belum terfikir untuk bertanding merebut jawatan Ketua Wanita dengan alasan untuk memberikan tumpuan terhadap pilihanraya umum akan datang yang dijangka akan diadakan lebih awal daripada Pemilihan Agung UMNO, Azalina juga dilihat satu-satunya tokoh yang sudah mendapat pencalonan tertinggi daripada pelbagai peringkat.

Meskipun berkali-kali Menteri Belia dan Sukan itu mengulangi kenyataan yang beliau hanya mahu mempertahankan jawatannya sebagai Ahli Majlis tertinggi UMNO yang disandangnya sekarang, namun pemimpin-pemimpin dari pelbagai peringkat tetap berpendapat bahawa Azalina seharusnya menimbang pendapat mereka.

“Pada kami, Datuk Azalina merupakan seorang pemimpin muda yang mempunyai karisma yang tinggi disamping motivasi diri untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak rakyat dan negara.

“Apa yang lebih penting pada kami, keikhlasan yang beliau tunjukan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai MT dan juga Menteri. Dan, inilah sebenarnya pemimpin yang kita cari…,”ujar Ketua Bahagian dari Kedah yang mahu namanya dirahsiakan dengan alasan untuk menjaga sensitiviti individu-individu tertentu.

Wanita yang mendakwa ketua Wanita UMNO bahagian dari Negeri Sembilan yang juga mahu namanya dirahsiakan itu ketika menghubungi penulis untuk menyatakan sokongannya terhadap Datuk Azalina, tidak menafikan bahawa Rafidah merupakan seorang pemimpin wanita yang hebat.

Namun bagitu, beliau tetap mempertahankan bahawa Azalina perlu diberikan peluang sebagai Ketua Wanita kerana berpendapat, selain berkarisma, muda dan bermotivasi tinggi, Azalina juga merupakan seorang pemimpin muda yang mempunyai misi perjuangan yang jelas.

Oleh itu, rata-rata mereka yang ditemui berharap agar Menteri Belia dan Sukan ini perlu menghormati serta menerima cadangan pencalonan daripada ‘grass root’. Mereka juga menjangkakan bahawa Datuk Azalina akan menerima lebih banyak pencalonan setelah berakhirnya PRU ke 12 malah menjelangnya ambang tarikh pemilihan Agung UMNO nanti.


Anonymous said...

aku sokong seratus peratus Azalina tanding ketua wanita. Sebab dia ni jenis yang buat kerja...

Tengok je KBS, banyak perubahan sejak dia pengang kementerian itu.

Anonymous said...

F***k Muslims and all malay pig in Malaysia.

I feel ashamed to call myself a Malaysian nowadays because you malay pig are making us losing our pride day by day by corrupting the once dignified image of this country, you know Malaysia is now a laughing stock among the non-Muslim countries in the world!

People despise this country still protecting the lame lot and not doing anything to improve the deteriorating situation, still practising double standards among its own people, still expelling the non-malay genius to other countries, still depriving the rights and benefits of other races to its own race, still criticize and blame the Chinese for their minority poverty.

Hey, what is wrong with you malay pig? Haven't you fed yourself enough with the loots yet? Still want more? What a worthless thieves bunch!

You malay pig are worse than a maggot. We need a leader not a faggot to rule this country. Get lost you freak!

For all the bad things you stupid melayu babi say about the Chinese, when you are in trouble and big shit, what do you do?

You come crawling back on your knees to the Chinaman to help you, because you can't trust all your malay pig who are sodomy rapists, incest culprits, drug addicts.

Without the Chinese, you malay pig will still live on trees, swinging from tree to tree like monkeys, or forages on the ground by your 4 legs to eat all the shit.

You malay pig are a truly ungrateful lot - the minute all the Chinese leave Bolehland - you malay pig will collapse into the sea and die - that is your destiny!

I think the problem of malay pig race is their culture - it is in born in their gene - nowhere in the world that you will see affirmative action is focusing on the majority because it is always the minority that need the protection.

Worst, the minority in Malaysia has been systematically marginalized just to suppress them of their growth.

Let the malay pig make Malaysia the most corrupted place to live in and see what happened in 2020? I guess malay pig will go back to Indonesia as Malaysia don't belong to them, they are also immigrants from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Jawa, etc.

Please get it into your pea-sized otak udang plastered with layers and layers of tahi babi encased in your kepala kayu that Malaysia belong to the Orang Asli who are the true bumis of the country.

Niffy pellmell malay pig are in fact pendatang haram who swam across the Melaka Strait illegally from Sumatra. They should be caught, given severe caning and deported back to their pig sties in Sumatra.

Anonymous said...

I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.

Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.

What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!

Anonymous said...

They came in Tanah Melayu……….You mean Tanah Orang Asli, they Jawanese pirate descendent came in!

Perhaps that is what we should give these ungrateful leeches like malay pig ultra:

Non-malay businesses should just pack up and leave, taking with them their capitals and investments. Non-malays with the means should emigrate.

Then these sick brain malay pig morons not only can keep their 30% NEP, they can have 100%……….of nothing.

And we sit back and watch them implode under the heavy load of their bureaucracy, crutch and religious fundamentalism.

As for implosions, that is the only way malays are going to head if they don't pull their heads out of the sand soon. The world doesn't owe you jack shit, and very soon reality will catch up with the lot of you. You can either embrace reality or perish by it.

As a non-malay and proud of it, I am ashamed to associate myself with hypocrites like you and your followers. I chose to leave the land of my birth because of people like you and guess what! No regrets whatsoever. Best decision I have ever made.

There is no reason for malay pig to be poor unless they are ass lazy or mental deformed or real stupid..........pick your choice.

Anonymous said...

This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.

This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.

The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of globalization - no need for others to colonize them.

Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese income tax!

Wait until the malay pig population increase to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.

Then the economy collapse.

The malay pig are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now.

But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them.

There show that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box.

Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exceptions. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?

If all malay pig jump into sea and all die!

This world will become very very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

According to a recent study through secret agency, Nihon Himitsu Oruganitsum Bureau, shows that malays were descended from the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon, hence explains why they look like baboon and they don't eat pork.

Our latest DNA analysis confirmed the fact.

The Japanese, Europeans etc, all eat pork, so does that mean they are all dirty and only the malays and Arabs are clean?

These malay pig have no brains to think properly.

The secret agency study also finds that Muslims are more violent, lazy, cunning and barbaric due to the lack of pork in their meal and the wrong doctrine.

They had been misled by Quran for generations which was copied and twisted by Muhammad from Holy Bible just to control his followers so that they don't harm their same species/ancestor (the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon).

Anonymous said...

Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.

I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retard ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.

Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.

My advise is let them rot in their own stew.

The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.

While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our Malaysia government leaders are propagating RACISM and FACISM in every way.

In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objective, for their citizens.

Whereas we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory for the sole objective, of propelling the well being of a supreme race.

Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it.

How about the future under Najib? Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.

Hey, you pathetic cow and all the babiputras who have the same feeling/thinking like them. You don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?

I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.

Hoy, I think you should try some pork meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.

Fact is fact when you babiputras are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.